Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Who do I admire

If I could be like any other person in the world, who would I be like?  Who do I truly admire?  I'm not talking about a celebrity or public figure who I would want to be like because of the amount of money they have, but rather whose personal traits would I like to emulate?

I would like to be like somebody who is a true eved Hashem, but not someone whom other people are uncomfortable to be around.  I wish I radiated love.  I wish I had true restraint and personal control over myself, so that all of my actions were driven by avodas Hashem and I had no desire or interest in wasting time.  I would like to emulate someone who dresses well, looks good and is physically fit and healthy. 

My love would be a deep concern for the other people I interact with every day.  I would truly want the best for them, and would take action to facilitate their achivement of the best.  I would be a giver and receiver, but not a taker. 

I would be sensitive to the people around me, choosing my words carefully, and being a listener.  Yes I want kavod (honor), but I would achive honor by serving others and by not pursuing credit for things. 

I would have rock solid principles that I would never compromise, but I would be patient and accepting of life as it comes.  However, I would give up my life if I had to.  I would be a deep thinker that can see the consequences of my actions many steps down the road from where I am now. 

And I want a swimming pool for my house.  I want to spend Sundays with my family enjoying the outdoors and each others company, talking and laughing.

I keep thinking of Rabbis David Silverman and Ilan Feldman in Atlanta.  Also my Rabbi Shmuel Berkowitz.  I haven't interacted enough with Rabbi Silverman and Rabbi Feldman to know if my perceptions of them are correct.  My only hesitation with Rabbi B is that he doens't meet the requirements in the last sentence of the second paragraph.  Also, Rabbi S and Rabbi B don't have pools; I don't know about Rabbi Ilan. 

I also should list Rabbi Leib Keleman who is the teacher of my Mussar Vaad.  I admire the way he is involved with all sorts of outdoor activities and yet still is a pure servant of Hashem.     

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