Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bombings and Death

In Iraq, a suicide bomber kills 20, 25.

In Israel, a suicide bomber kills three.

In Gaza, an Israel mortar kills 40 in a school where Hamas men were firing mortars at the Israeli troops.

In Sederot, a kassam lauched deliberately at a school damages an empty kindergarden classroom.

A katusha launched from Gaza at Ashdod kills a family of Israeli ARABS.

Why do so many more Arabs die in attacks than Jews?

I believe that it is an open miracle. My wife thinks it is a hidden miracle. Hashem is protecting us.

If you look at the # of Arab attacks against Jewish targets versus attacks aimed at Arab targets (by both Israel and their fellow Arabs), clearly the casualties on Israel's side could be much "less", G-d forbid.

As with any miracle that Hashem does in this generation, there are logical explanations that don't involve Hashem's intervention, as far fetched as they seem to me.

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