Friday, June 19, 2009

The Jews control the world

Dear Jeffrey,

In the classic sefer "Nefesh HaChaim", Rav Chaim of Volozhin explains that when Jews fulfill their halachic obligations or commit transgressions, it has powerful effects in the upper worlds that filter down into our world. Classic Jewish belief is that we do control the world, albeit through our good deeds and, G-d forbid, the opposite. I personally believe that this knowledge is in the unconscious of every single human being. Therefore, it does not surprise me that there are people whose experience of the world leads them to claim that the Jews control the world.

Jeffrey, when you look at Jewish history, the survival of the Jewish people for over 3,500 years, the fact that both Christianity and Islam built themselves on a Jewish do you account for this?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Judge Sotomayer...

...should be confirmed. Although I am probably as much on the conservative side of the political spectrum as Judge Sotomayer is on the liberal side, I believe that the President should have his judicial picks confirmed, as long as they are qualified, as Judge Sotomayer clearly is.

No President should have to do what President Bush had to do, which is to first nominate someone clearly unqualified so that when the replacement candidate is named, the energy has already been expended opposing the original pick and the replacement pick can be confirmed.